Novowind is a renewable energy producer today and is looking into investment and collaboration along the renewable energy value chain together with others.

Within the fields such as:
Renewable energy, energy storage, green hydrogen, efuel, biogas, district heating, oxygen, heat pumps, district heating..

Novowind is actively contributing to find best solutions to the energy transition together with others.
For example, 2 projects that Novowind have participated in findings solutions and share knowledge:

“Vindkraft till vätgas till el och värme - Möjliggör mer vindkraft till energisystemet”
Feasibility study how to produce hydrogen close to a windpower park. Project in collaboration with Kraftringen and Modity, supported by Energimyndigheten the Energy Agency in Sweden.

“Vätgas i tanken för klimatneutralitet 2030”
Critical analysis on optimization hydrogen production in southern Sweden. Positive results from the project, and Novowind is now looking into forming a consortium to realise hydrogen and efuel facilities, partner with more offtakers.
Project in collaboration with Kraftringen, Modity VASyd, LTH Lund Institute Of Technology, supported by Vinnova the innovation agency in Sweden.

Contact information:

Ulf Andersson
+46 76 0360267